3D Scan with Kinect

1 minute read

Source: Amazon Question for FlashForge 3d Printer Creator Pro


Can anyone reccomment a 3D scanner? What are the things to look for in a 3D scanner? I’m looking to scan items maybe about 6” or more in size.


Instead of spending $800+ on a 3d scanner/ imager you can use a Kinect camera from a xbox one or 360. The camera is like $80, all you might also need to buy a kinetic power supply so you can hook it up to a USB 2.0 ($10). Then get skanect, the program needed, it’s simple, high quality and best of all free! Combined with the kinect you will be able to scan almost anything (even objects 6”+). The only down side is the program isn’t perfect, if you are imaging something really detailed, such as a human face, the scan will have holes in it. But this is a easy task to fix, just get Meshlab, it will help correct any errors in the scan. I included the links to the the two programs, they also offer more info on how this process works. Hope this helps and saves you som cash!
By BMW Owner on April 21, 2014
